Hi Arnt,

>> Without reviewing the maketg logs of the form templogNN.txt,
> ..doh!  You still want my 1.0.2 logs?

No, but it will always help on some items, to be able
to 'see' the current log(s) if more errors. The 'log' you
included with your 3rd email, seems to be from using maketg
v 1.0.2??? The 'NN' number increments each time you use

I have now put up versions 1.0.4 which -
(a) Outputs which version it is to the log, and date...
(b) Drops the lsb_release stuff, which I was NOT using anyway.

Get these, and _DELETE_ all others...

Other matters...

>> And remember the script 'installs' the final TG executables
>> in $HOME/bin, 
> ..sure?  And not /opt/bygg/tg/install nor 
> /opt/bygg/tg/install/bin in my case???:
> a...@a45:/opt/bygg/tg $ ll $HOME/bin
> ls: cannot access /home/arnt/bin: No such file or directory

Yes, I AM SURE! The 'install' process CREATES directories
when they do not exist...

>> export PATH=${PATH}:$HOME/bin
>> You MUST change the script if you want them installed
>> elsewhere...
> ..ok, for my 2 (fg & tg) trees, I will need 
> "export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/bygg/fg/install/bin" and 
> "export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/bygg/tg/install/bin" ?

Unh... NO!

1. Running FG:

If you 'really' wanted the 'fgfs' executable to be in
your path then you would need something like -
"export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/bygg/fg/install/fgfs/bin"

BUT this alone would NOT work, because 'fgfs' needs
access to the OSG shared libraries, which by the script, are
installed in "/opt/bygg/fg/install/OpenSceneGraph/lib64"
but there is a link created to it from -

So to be able to run fgfs from anywhere, which is the sole
reason for putting it in your PATH, then you would always need to
preceed it with -
~$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/bygg/fg/install/OpenSceneGraph/lib
~$ fgfs [OPTIONS]
or you could set up the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in a 'shell' rc file,
but then it effects ALL other compiles - NOT GOOD!

Note, the makefg script creates a run_fgfs.sh, thus it seems easier
to enter the fg folder, assumed /opt/bygg/fg in your case, and
use it...
/opt/bygg/fg$ ./run_fgfs.sh [OPTIONS]

Or use ./run_fgrun.sh that is there also... or will be when you
get through the makefg script...

2. Running TG:

Terragear is a group of some 25 or so utilities, NOT a single
application, so it makes sense to have these 'executables'
available where ever you are building your scenery at the

That is why they are all installed in a SINGLE location, and at
present the maketg script uses $HOME/bin. And that is why the
suggest .bashrc, or bash_aliases entry of :-
export PATH=${PATH}:$HOME/bin
is much more appropriate...

> ..later, maybe make and install .deb's, .rpm's etc packages?
Do understand this?

>> distcc ccache ccontrol dmucs
These seems off topic to maketg and makefg ;=))
> compile farm ... ok
> recompiling only on the new source edits.
The auto make file system already does this!
> ..offloading the work load so I can fly during compiles. ;o)
You can always 'fly' while compiling, and anyway if I really
want separation, I just start up different machines... ;=))

> I found a new bug with your maketg-1.0.3:
No, it is just that your '/bin/sh' did NOT expand the TAB (\t),
nor the new line (\n) characters...
These lines in your email show me that -
> \nCFLAGS = -O -g
> \trm -f $@

These scripts MUST be run in a shell that does expand tabs
and new lines. You will note at the top of the scripts

Try reversing these, and try using 'bash'
but NOT sure this will work...

Or configure or change your 'bin/sh' to one that DOES these
expansions... my system has :-
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 100856 2009-03-09 14:18 /bin/dash
version 0.5.4-8ubuntu1.1 - POSIX-compliant shell

As with _ALL_ scripts, there can be 'shell' incompatibilities,
but this nl/tab expansion should NOT be one of them!!!

Try running -
#< test-tab - test TAB expansion
echo "# test tab expansion"
echo "\trm -f \$@" > $MKFIL
echo "# test new line expansion"
echo "\n\tar cr \$@ \$<" >> $MKFIL
xxd $MKFIL
rm -f $MKFILE
echo "Above should be -"
echo "0000000: 0972 6d20 2d66 2024 400a 0a09 6172 2063  .rm -f \...@...ar
echo "0000010: 7220 2440 2024 3c0a                      r \$@ $<."

Note first line of the dump begins with 09, not '\t', and has
two 0a... 

If your shell does not do this, then GET ANOTHER ONE ;=))

And the automated 'gpc' stuff is not well suited to 'restarts'
so you should at least trash the gpc232 folder... 

We seem to be getting close ;=)) remember, delete all previous
versions and only use 1.0.4, and maybe clean out the 'tmp'
log files now and again...
Since it is all SO automated, I often just 'trash', or rename
my current 'work' folder, and start again, and go
have coffee while it happens...



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