LeeE wrote:
> On Friday 20 March 2009, Tim Moore wrote:
>> RFC: Vector Types in the Property System
>> Proposal: Allow vector types as properties in property list XML
>> files and as properties in the runtime property system.
> [snip...]
>> Rationale: Without these types, the XML syntax is much more
>> verbose
> [snip...]
>> Discussion:
>> The property system is very useful and I want to use it for
>> implementing effects. However, I find the syntax way too verbose
>> for simple aggregate properties like colors. With the proposed
>> changes effect files can be property lists, and effects values
>> can easily be represented as property trees, while still
>> preserving a concise syntax.
>> I'm not proposing to change any existing property to an extended
>> property.
> This strikes me as an extremely bad idea.
> The property tree isn't just used for FG's internal workings but 
> also as a consistent interface to the external world, the 
> consistency coming from explicitly identifying scalar data, 
> removing any possibility of ambiguity in exactly what data you're 
> dealing with.
> However, the data items in the compound datatypes proposed will only 
> be implicitly identified; how can this be a good thing?
Assuming for minute that this change would be adapted widely... I would
wager that for the data types we're talking about, the order of individual
components is almost universally understood. Who writes "bgr" or "yzx" in
human readable files?
> I can't accept that the current scalar datatype handling is "way too 
> verbose for simple aggregate properties like colors"  In this 
> specific example we've just gone down a single level, to handle 
> just three values, and in the Vec4 types you're not descending any 
> deeper but just adding a single extra value - just how much of an 
> overhead is there in handling that, that makes it "way too verbose?
It's the human overhead in ploughing through all the extraneous crap
-- words and symbols around every data item -- that I'm worried about.
For the types that will be used in the effects files, all that is
completely redundant.
> And why is verbosity a problem anyway?  Sure, it may mean more 
> keystrokes for the coder producing the software but the main 
> purpose of producing the software is so that it can be used by the 
> user.  By reducing verbosity for the primary-developer though, 
> you're just passing the burden on to the user-developer.  The 
> primary-developer should only have to 'suffer' from having to deal 
> with this verbosity just once, when he writes the code, but from 
> that point onwards, everyone else who needs to use that data has to 
> duplicate effort to deal with it.
I'm not sure who you're referring to as "developers" here. When I
first read this I thought you meant "C++ coder" and thought you had
completely missed the mark. But I think you're talking about XML file
reader/modifier/hacker. I assure you that the users of effects files
will be completely comfortable with my proposed syntax. It's the same
as used in Ogre materials, Collada, Direct X, etc.
> In conclusion, this proposal just seems designed to slightly reduce 
> the workload for the primary-developer at the expense of increasing 
> the workload for the user-developers, at the same time rendering 
> the interface inconsistent and ambiguous.
I don't agree. Perhaps our points of view differ depending on whether
we're used to treating types like colors as a composition of scalar values
or as an indivisible whole.


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