Hi all,

I recently asked the FlightGear-Users list about FlightGear's texture 
animation feature. There is a note on the Wiki page 
(http://wiki.flightgear.org/index.php/Howto:_Illuminate_faces) that says 
that texture animation will not work on any version newer than v1.0, and 
lists an alternative technique. However, using that alternative will 
require me to redevelop all of the models that I having been working on 
(grr!). Frederic Bouvier mentioned that the feature would be restored in 
the next release version.

Can someone on the developer's list please confirm whether texture 
animation will be present for the next FlightGear release?

I understand that FlightGear 1.9.n will be included in the Ubuntu 9.10  
release, "Karmic Koala". Can anyone confirm whether the texture 
animation will be included in that release?

Many thanks,

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