On Thu, 2009-09-10 at 19:45 +0200, Mathias Fröhlich wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sunday 06 September 2009 21:42:36 Ron Jensen wrote:
> > Sometime recently MP Models silently became "solid."  IMHO, this is a
> > horrid state.  Aircraft now "crash" when new aircraft appear at the same
> > spawn site.
> >
> > To say I am upset about this "feature" is an understatement.  I feel I
> > am no longer able to use the public multi-player servers.
> I think that in general you should not be able to just fly through other 
> aircraft. You cannot do so in real life.
> But for the multiplayer case I see that we either need a much more complex 
> logic to startup at positions where no other participant is. Which is 
> something I do not want today evening. Thinking about race conditions ...
> Or we just disable collisions for the MP aircraft. The AI ones should stay I 
> think. I believe that Durk makes sure that the AI Aircraft will wait if the 
> simulated aircraft is somewhere around.
> I have disabled the MP Aircrafts collisions with the rest of the world.
> Greetings
> Mathias

Thank you Mathias.

The issue isn't "realism" it is the UN-realism of random aircraft
spawning in random places, non-pilots flying on MP and not following
rules or even not always doing sensical things, no equivalent of the FAA
pulling licenses for failure to follow rules, no controllers controlling
the airspace.

Not starting on KSFO 28R isn't an operable option either.  I got
squashed at KNUQ the other day, right as I started my take-off run a
heavy spawned on top of me.

Thanks again,


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