On 12 Sep 2009, at 17:25, John Denker wrote:

> I've been using my version of navradio.cxx for years.
> Whenever I find a service volume that needs to be
> extended, I just edit my copy of nav.dat and send
> the diff to Robin.
> Bottom line:  I suggest you edit your nav.dat and
> extend the range a few nm.

I was wondering if we should increase the GS range cutoff  to 1.2 *  
range-fom-nav.dat  (or 1.4, or 1.8, or 2.0 ... essentially give a  
margin of reception beyond the published limit)

I guess it depends what the nav.dat value should be taken as : a  
published maximum, or a guaranteed (with a tolerance) reception area,  
or something else?

Otherwise I think we'll have to edit a very large number of entries in  


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