On Mon, 2009-09-14 at 01:52 +0200, Csaba Halász wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 1:11 AM, Scott Hamilton
> <scott.hamil...@popplanet.biz> wrote:
> >
> > command line options;
> > gdb --args bin/fgfs --enable-sound --enable-hud --aircraft=A380
> > --airport=YSSY --runway=34L --timeofday=afternoon
> > --enable-real-weather-fetch --enable-clouds3d --nav1=108.3  --dme=nav1
> > --enable-fpe
> Hmm, 108.3 is out of range for me from YSSY, so the code doesn't even
> get to the location of your crash.
> Maybe the problem concerns nav2, can you tell what frequency that is tuned to?

108.3 is for WSSS (the intended destination) 
>From the Equipment -> Radio menu I see;

NAV1  108.3   / 111.7 radial 280
NAV2  116.8   / 113.9 radial 28
ADF   379    /  341

The FPE signal does occur within the range of nav radio for YSSY, it's
often not that far out, but the original TriangleIntersect was normally
further along the flightpath.  

This feels like it is new behaviour as I have been specifying the
destination ils freq for quite some time on the command line, is that
not such a good idea?


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