Hi all,

I only get a blank single colour screen when I run fg (latest cvs/svn 
versions of plib/osg/simgear/fg). The colour changes with time settings, 
it is grey at noon, bluish at dusk, and black in night time. I can see 
the top menu and I have sound. I get the message saying which runway I 
am located at.

On the startup terminal I get messages like this one

Sat Nov 28 16:27:15 signori.local fgfs[54344] <Error>: 
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer 
bits/component; 16 bits/pixel; 1-component color space; 
kCGImageAlphaLast; 512 bytes/row.
Sat Nov 28 16:27:15 signori.local fgfs[54344] <Error>: 
CGContextDrawImage: invalid context 0x0

It worked for me a few day ago. I am compiling/running on a 64-bit mac 
10.6.2. I'll try to find the problem but I am hoping for a pointer where 
to begin (excluding the option to roll back to a previous CVS state). 
Maybe someone has a hunch of a recent change that may have caused my 
blank screen.



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