On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Curtis Olson wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:06 AM, James Turner wrote:
>> On 1 Dec 2009, at 16:59, Curtis Olson wrote:
>> > I've been observer quite frequent segfaults in the most recent version
>> of FlightGear.  I've started running under gdb and so far the trend seems to
>> be that the crash is inside the pui code and as a result of clicking "ok" or
>> "cancel" on a dialog box.  Here's an example backtrace (the build is without
>> -g though).  Anyone else seeing this?
>> Not seeing that here - I assume if it was any particular dialog box, you
>> would have mentioned that.
Sorry for the multiple emails ... ok it just happened again to me with the
autopilot dialog box.  When I clicked on the "close" button, I got a
segmentation fault ... with a backtrace *very* similar to what I posted

Curtis Olson: http://baron.flightgear.org/~curt/
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