Ron Jensen wrote:

> On Thu, 2009-12-03 at 17:18 +0000, Stuart Buchanan wrote:
> > As I think you've noted before, the climb rate is too high - I
> > consistently see 1000ft/min up to 8000ft ASL, instead of approx
> > 800ft/min at sea level, and 400ft/m at 8000ft ASL.
> Also, our Cessna loads in with 264 pounds of fuel, a single pilot at 180
> lbs, no other passengers and no baggage.  I checked the gross weight
> under the Fuel and Payload dialog at is says 1944 lbs.  The data Erik
> provided says max gross weight is 23000 lbs.  This loading difference
> probably accounts for some of the disparity in climb performance.
> Ron

I'd spotted that, and I think I added a copilot and extra fuel to get a 2300lb 
gross weight +/- 50 lbs.

Nevertheless, the gross weight isn't the only story here - perhaps my C of G 
was too far forward for cruise flight.



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