Durk wrote:
> On Sunday 13 December 2009 10:16:24 pm Stuart Buchanan wrote:
> > A clear statement would
> > a) provide a good reference point for any further discussion outside of the
> > community, rather than various people making different comments.
> >
> > b) be visible enough to Google so that anyone doing cursory research would
> > have more chance of coming across FG if investigating FPS.
> >
> > As someone who has in the past done professional work with FG, I'd be happy
> > to draft a factual statement.
> Agreed. If you're willing to draft such a statement, I'm happy to help in 
> proofreading, etc. etc. Also, I've been thinking of trying to publish a 
> statement of similar content on some of the major websites: avsim.com or 
> flightsim.com. 

I think one statement can easily be used for both purposes if written 

I've included my draft below. I've purposefully sought not to address any moral 
or value arguments but stick to the facts for a number of reasons:
a) There are a variety of opinions on this list and any statement should be 
something that all FG developers are happy with
b) I want to aviod anything that could be considered slanderous or libelous.
c) I think a mature approach will gain a lot more support from external readers 
as opposed to an emotional response.

I'd appreciate feedback, even if it is only to agree with the wording of the 
statement, to ensure that we have buy-in for this.


FlightGear Flight Pro Sim Statement:

As many people will be aware, there is a new flight simulator product that is 
being heavily marketed at the moment - Flight Pro Sim.
As it is very heavily based on FlightGear, there is some confusion between the 
two. To help provide some clarity, and answer some
common questions, we (the core FlightGear development team) felt it was 
appropriate to make a statement, and provide a FAQ.

FlightGear is a open-source flight simulator that was started in 2006. It is 
released under
the GNU General Public License v2, and as such, it is free to use, modify and 
develop with few restrictions. It has been
developed with the collaboration of a huge number of individuals over the 
internet over the last 12 years. FlightGear can
be downloaded for free from http:// www.flightgear.org.

Flight Pro Sim is a commercial product very heavily based on FlightGear. 
Investigation by a number of the FlightGear developers has
found no difference between this and the FlightGear v1.9.1 release other than a 
change of name. Flight Pro Sim
is in no way endorsed or supported by the core FlightGear development team.

Given the extreme similarities between Flight Pro Sim and FlightGear, we would 
recommend that prospective buyers download
FlightGear for free and satisfy themselves that Flight Pro Sim provides 
worthwhile value for money before purchasing it.


Q: What is the difference between FlightGear and Flight Pro Sim?
A: As far as we have been able to make out, the only difference between 
FlightGear v1.9.1 and Flight Pro Sim is a change in
name throughout the software, and the fact that you have to pay for it.

Q: Is it legal for the makers of Flight Pro Sim to simply re-brand FlightGear ?
A: Yes. Under the GNU GPL v2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html), this 
is legal, provided that they distribute the
source code (or make it available).

Q: Is is legal to sell a copy of FlightGear, whether re-branded or not ?
A: Yes. Technically, the purchaser is paying for the distribution of the 
software, and it reasonable to charge a fee for this. In
fact, those interested in receiving a DVD containing FlightGear may do so 
through the main FlightGear website, and directly contribute
to the project (though they may want to wait for the upcoming release in the 
new year).

Q: Has Flight Pro Sim paid any money to FlightGear for the rights to the 
program ?
A: No. No such payment is required, as FlightGear is open-source software.

Q: Is there any relationship between the makers of Flight Pro Sim and 
A: Not that we are aware of. As far as we are aware, the makers of Flight Pro 
Sim are not FlightGear developers.

Q: Has Flight Pro Sim contributed to the FlightGear project at all ?
A: There is no evidence that the makers of Flight Pro Sim have contributed to 
the FlightGear project, either through code or money. They did offer to provide 
money ($250) for a monthly competition, but this offer has not been taken up.

Q: I have purchased Flight Pro Sim. Can I get a refund ?
A: That is something you will have to take up with the makers of Flight Pro 
Sim. We understand they offer a 60 day money-back guarantee.


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