Tried pre-release 3 on my IMac running 10.5.5 - FG downloaded from  
SourceForge 0822 Z this morning.  Default Cessna and KSFO. Default  

Atlas crashed.  Will wait for the CVS update previously mentioned to  
be included

Tried FG without Atlas but with terrasync

The first two lines of this console dump records activity from launch  
to the GUI being open.  The rest is from Start Flight to crash:


Feb  4 10:21:21 MyMac FlightGear[977]: *** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool():  
Object 0x209710 of class NSThread autoreleased with no pool in place -  
just leaking\nStack: (0x9408cf4f 0x93f99432 0x93f9f1a4)
Feb  4 10:21:21 MyMac FlightGear[977]:  
RBCocoaInstallRubyThreadSchedulerHooks: couldn't find autoreleasePool  

Feb  4 10:21:34 MyMac  
[0x0-0x6a06a].net.sourceforge.macflightgear[977]: /Applications/  
`initialize': Ruby threads cannot be used in RubyCocoa without patches  
to the Ruby interpreter
Feb  4 10:21:34 MyMac  
[0x0-0x6a06a].net.sourceforge.macflightgear[977]: Starting terrasync  
with -p 5500 -S -d ./data/Scenery-TerraSync
Feb  4 10:21:34 MyMac  
[0x0-0x6a06a].net.sourceforge.macflightgear[977]: shell: current dir: / 
Feb  4 10:21:34 MyMac  
[0x0-0x6a06a].net.sourceforge.macflightgear[977]: /Applications/  
`initialize': Ruby threads cannot be used in RubyCocoa without patches  
to the Ruby interpreter
Feb  4 10:21:34 MyMac  
[0x0-0x6a06a].net.sourceforge.macflightgear[977]: Starting  
with --atlas=socket,out,1,localhost,5500,udp --browser-app=open -- 
geometry=1280x1024 --timeofday=morning --enable-fuel-freeze --enable- 
Feb  4 10:21:34 MyMac  
[0x0-0x6a06a].net.sourceforge.macflightgear[977]: shell: current dir: / 
Feb  4 10:21:43 MyMac  
[0x0-0x6a06a].net.sourceforge.macflightgear[977]: Exiting
Feb  4 10:21:43 MyMac  
[0x0-0x6a06a].net.sourceforge.macflightgear[977]: Exiting terrasync


Will now give it a go on my Macbook Pro running 10.5.6.



On 3 Feb 2010, at 20:31, Jari Häkkinen wrote:

> Hi,
> I tested pre3 on my two macs.
> Dual core 27" iMac report: As previously fg won't work on my iMac. As
> with the previous pre-releases fg crashes during initialization. I am
> working on getting a debug compile of Tats code. I've reached the  
> end of
> compiling all the packages but fail on getting the linker to produce
> fgfs - the linker complains about not being able to find fopen!! I  
> have
> started a new repoupdate and compile of macflightgear with debug flags
> using Tat's localbuild script.
> Atlas crashes too, more about this below.
> Dual core 2 year old MacBook Pro: fg and terrasync works. Atlas fails.
> Atlas:
> The issue with Atlas crashing is that the apt.dat.gz in the package
> outdated. If I replace apt.dat.gz with the latest CVS version Atlas
> works. The issue with ATLAS/apt.dat.gz was reported some days ago and
> fixed in CVS.
> There is another issue with Atlas. The map goes black when starting  
> from
> another airport than San Fransisco. Restarting fg will not generated  
> the
> needed png's. Is Map run properly?
> Cheers,
> Jari
> On 2/3/10 2:53 AM, Tatsuhiro Nishioka wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I've released the pre3 package of FlightGear Mac OS X at the  
>> macflightgear site.
>> Please check it out very quickly so I can have improve the quality  
>> of 2.0.0.
>> Best,
>> Tat
>> p.s.
>> Many mac users who gave me emails in the past week:
>> Sorry for my very late reply.
>> I'll be replying one by one tonight.
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