First of all, I don't think that Jpoe the Plumber should or will compile 
FlightGear him/herself. Anybody who wants to do so should learn how to 
do that.

John Denker wrote:
> Another workaround -- the one I actually prefer -- is to
> let OSG live under .../lib64/ but add
>        LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$parent/usr/lib64"              \
>        LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$parent/usr/lib"              \
>        ./configure

As I see it this might actually be a problem for the Linux vendor. They 
should have added /usr/lib64 to /etc/

Another thing that has bugged me about osg though is that is places it's 
plugins in /usr/(local/)lib/osgPlugins-<version-number>
This is very hard to catch in a configure script and is only solved by 
adding that directory to


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