On 02/09/2010 12:43 PM, Curtis Olson wrote:

> The first thought that comes to mind is to double check the precision
> (significant digits) of the data you are writing out.  If you are writing
> out heading for instance with 0 or 1 decimal digits or position with 4
> decimal digits, that could account for this sort of thing.

Well, if so, it is a bug in the "record" part of the
record/playback system.  All I did was


in accordance with the instructions on page 79 of

The other three bugs I reported are pretty clearly
playback bugs, but I logged the "shudder" problem 
as a bug in the "record/playback system" precisely 
because I have not yet figured out how much of the
problem is associated with the record part and how
much is associated with the playback part.

Here are a few lines from the start of the .flog file.
Maybe you can tell us whether the precision of 
representation is part of the problem:


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