Op 26-07-10 07:14, fiers...@zonnet.nl schreef:
> Op 25-07-10 19:19, Stefan Seifert schreef:
>> On the other hand, I'm running a system with 100% free software thanks to
>> AMD's releasing of documentation for driver writers for ATI cards. And my ATI
>> card with its free drivers allowed me for the first time in many years not 
>> only
>> to run FlightGear but also good video performance, desktop effects in KDE and
>> usable performance with anti aliased fonts which is something NVidia never
>> managed to do for me (some known problems with their drivers which never got
>> fixed).
>> Times change.
> True. But remember how many years it took for AMD to come to this insight...
AIT not AMD. Sorry. It took ATI many years, and being purchased by AMD, 


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