On Saturday 06 November 2010 03:51:28 James Turner wrote:
> On 6 Nov 2010, at 08:46, Maik Justus wrote:
> > to avoid this happen again in the future:
> >
> > Is it possible to add a metar-server functionality to the mpservers? If
> > the NOAA protocol / access changes we only have to modify the mpservers,
> > not the clients?
> Just to be clear, NOAA aren't being 'inconsiderate' - the FG code has been
> broken, and non-compliant, all along - it just happened to be a
> non-compliance the old servers tolerated.
> We weren't, prior to Thorsten's fix, sending a valid request - any cache,
> proxy or server would have been entirely permitted to ignore it. There's no
> need to postulate complex additions to our side - we should just check our
> HTTP compliance better!
> James

I looked at the NOAA site last night. 

There are some seriously old metar files mixed in there! 
http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/observations/metar/stations/ENLU.TXT for 
example, is from 02 JUN 2007!

It would be nice if someone could figure out a way to guard against that!


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