On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 1:12 AM, Heiko Schulz wrote:

> Not really, as I or helijah is not the author of the aircrane-fdm.
Oh sorry, didn't want to credit the wrong person! :) (maybe a
copy&paste problem since you're credited in the readme).

> But Maik Justus, the author of it, told me once ( and it is described in the 
> data/docs/ReadMe.yasim as well, I think) that the "approach-speed" and 
> "cruise-speed" is ignored for helicopters. It is only important for the 
> gear-behaviour. How, you can read here: 
> http://code.google.com/p/flightgear-bugs/issues/detail?id=155&sort=-id

I'm not an FDM expert. Maybe the speed has no meaning. But right now,
YASim uses the given cruise altitude. And when the "cruise" section is
missing, YASim doesn't initialize any cruise settings - including the
cruise temperature "_cruiseT". And since its (stupid) default is 0
(Kelvin) this triggers the exception (Airplane::solveHelicopter calls
Atmosphere::calcStdDensity(_cruiseP, _cruiseT)) )


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