Hi Francesco,

Good to see your post...

Re: download_and_compile.sh

Thank you, thank you, and thank you for your scripts ;=))
It was, and _IS_, the basis of my own script, 'makefg',
in which I acknowledge your script, and your script
continues to be one of my 'references'...

BUT, could you please 'bump' the version number, which
seems 'stuck' at :-

For those of us who continue to 'monitor' your script
changes, I for one would appreciate knowing the 'latest' 
version number, like say "1.2.1", .2, .3, etc...

Further, you now give a NEW link to your latest script,
so perhaps you could also correct the 'link' given
inside the script of -
which for me, no longer seems to function ;=((

While, as you point out, using OSG-2.8.3 stable will
ALWAYS works, and I know OSG-2.9.9 also works, recent 
posts indicate OSG-trunk will _ALSO_ compile, but I have 
yet to fully personally 'verify' this... But perhaps this
should be a user 'option' to the script...

Again, thank you for sharing such a 'powerful', all
inclusive script. Be the user be a 'power' user, or a
casual sg/fg 'git' builder, such a script is _VERY_
useful, at the very least, just to see the ideas of

In answer to your specific question -
> How can I update the script on gitorious ?
As I understand it :-
(a) you have to be awarded 'maintainer' status to
directly 'push' a change to gitorious, or
(b) you can register on gitorious/fg, and create
a merger request, and wait for a 'maintainer' to do
the necessary 'merge', or
(c) simply wait for other 'maintainers' to pick up your
changes, at their desire, convenience...

Again, thanks for continuing your script efforts...
always VERY MUCH appreciated...


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