On 11.04.2011 17:29, Francesco Angelo Brisa wrote:
> well ,I will make some experiments on 2.9.10 .... if it finds out to
> compile easly and to be quite stable, I will make it the default
> behaviour, with 2.8.3 as stable option.
When we last discussed this (February), 2.9.9 was reported to be stable 
with FlightGear on all three platforms (Linux/Mac/Windows) with fg/next 
- no issues were reported since. But meanwhile we've updated FlightGear 
to also support the latest OSG interface (>= 2.9.10). Concerning the 
OSGText issue, there is also a bug tracker entry on this:
We don't know if OSG 2.9.10 is also affected - or only >= 2.9.11. Would 
be good if someone could verify.

 > > While, as you point out, using OSG-2.8.3 stable will
 > > ALWAYS works, and I know OSG-2.9.9 also works, recent
 > > posts indicate OSG-trunk will _ALSO_ compile, but I have
 > > yet to fully personally 'verify' this... But perhaps this
 > > should be a user 'option' to the script...
Well, OSG-trunk compiles - today. If an option to use OSG-trunk is 
really necessary (is it?), then please hide it well enough so that 
normal users won't find it. :)


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