On Mon, 2011-04-18 at 16:14 +0200, Csaba Halász wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 1:38 PM, Christian Schmitt <ch...@ilovelinux.de> 
> wrote:
> > Csaba Halász wrote:
> >> Info registers, and something like x/10i $eip   (or $rip on 64 bit)
> > Here you go (still on Atom), Phenom this evening.
> >
> > (gdb) info registers
> > eax            0x0      0
> >
> > (gdb) x/10i $eip
> > => 0xb7fb8fdd <merge_left+9>:   mov    0x14(%eax),%eax
> Hm, ok, that doesn't seem to be SSE related, it's just your everyday
> NULL pointer.
> Have to check source code to see how that can happen.


Quite some time ago now ran into this NULL ptr
passed to the merge_left() (internal) gpc library
function, when trying to process dense (very detailed)
data, but even after adding code 'protecting' against
such a segfault, the resultant tile produced could
not be displayed correctly by FG rendering engine.

See the tile results here -

There were 2 types of 'bad' tiles, named by Cullam and I
as (a) 'painters' Mondrian style, with parallel banding, 
and (b) 'spaghetti', where triangles cross each other
in multiple layers...

We suspected somewhere a 'short' is used instead of an
'int' counter, since it always seemed to happen when
some component counts exceeded 65536 ;=(( But could NOT 
track it down... and anyway maybe this does not address
the gpc library problem...

However, Since there are now many scenery builders wanting
to use the higher resolution data available, a fix at both
levels, gpc polygon massaging, and fg rendering, would be
VERY MUCH appreciated.

Anything I can do to help...


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