On Tue, 2011-04-19 at 09:29 -0500, Curtis Olson wrote:
> Yup, this is definitely a problem.  In order to keep file sizes down,
> the index into the vertex, normal, and texture coordinate lists is a
> "short" ... it might even be a "signed" short.
> Tradeoffs ... if we switch from short to int, we double the size of
> the section of the btg file that indexes back into all the vertex,
> normal, and texture coordinate arrays.  With the world scenery already
> pushing 12Gb, this is a significant decision.  Also we need to protect
> some backwards compatibility.

Hi Curt,

I agree the 'public' world data size should not grow
much beyond the current 12Gb, and we MUST maintain some
backward compatibility, and that is why perhaps your BTG 
format presently starts with a (word) 'SG' signature ;=))
and a (word) version 6...

There is no double people WANT to be able to generate
scenery for the specific area they know and LOVE. It probably
breaks their heart each time they fly over it and say to
them selves where is that important turn in the river?, the 
little bay?, that small hill? (like the recent Rio comments),
etc, etc, etc...

So such a unsigned int BTG 'signature' certainly opens the way 
to have other 'versions' of the BTG file, as you suggest,
and then users can be _WARNED_ it can only be generated by 
TG 2.3?, and loaded/viewed by SG/FG 2.3 plus...

And they can further be warned that such a 'new' BTG file
may indeed require 'better' hardware... raising the min.
requirement... but machine power is forever increasing 
anyway... as you mention...

Hmmm, while I thought I had researched EVERY counter, as
you point out, in all cases I observed that is now an
int, which gives us +/-2,147,483,647, which should be ok,
but sort of forgot to look very closely at the index 
lists themselves ;=((

If these are shorts, or even unsigned shorts, then that is
BIG trouble for high definition scenery... which can easily
go beyond 65K indexes per tile... you can even do it now with
modest raw data, but push terrafit to break up the DEM into
a smaller elevation mesh...

So are their others interested in going forward with a
'new' BTG? Let us hear from you... Who can help, do

I know and read some, like Martin, want to go perhaps
another direction, and that too is fine... but in the
interim why not just 'extend' what we have?


PS: I remember someone, off list I think, mentioning
that maybe the gpc library has been improved... must
try to re-find that reference... there is also no doubt
polygon clipping is integral to a new BTG format...

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