>> LaTeX is not a word processor, it is a professional typesetting tool.
> I see all the reasons to keep the docs in LaTex (like keeping the
> process efficient at the moment), but this sentence here about
> "professional tools" is probably not that serious as I read it, right ?

I don't know how you read it, but I know for a fact that many professional
science publishers use it (Elsevier is just one example, pretty much every
physics journal asks you to prepare manuscripts in LaTeX). So yes, I guess
I am serious - pretty much anyone I know who is publishing on professional
level (i.e. makes money by selling books or journals) and has complicated
layout problems (math formulae, Hebrew sentences with reverse writing
direction inside English texts, Egyptian hieroglyphs written from top-down
or right-left,...) uses LaTeX for typesetting. It's not some exotic tool
in publishing business - it's just not so well known for every-day office

* Thorsten

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