Hey group,

I've come across a problem with FG when many (static) objects are to be loaded 
on FG startup.

Usually, on my (faily old) PC FG loads for about 20 seconds, then 
says "loading scenery" for about 6 seconds, and places me in the c172 ready 
for takeoff. During all this CPU load is at 100%.

Now if I start FG with scenery that contains many (> 1000) objects, I get the 
- FG still loads for about 20 sec, then says "loading scenery"
- about 3 seconds later, CPU load drops to ~20% and stays there
- and FG never finishes startup
--log-level=debug shows the main loop is running, I can use the menu, but I 
never end up in the c172, nor see anything else but the splash screen

Starting at a nearby airport and flying into said scenery works. I can also 
teleport to this nearby airport while FG 'hangs', and then fly into said 
scenery flawlessly.

I've created a test scenery [1] which uses TNCM terrain and 5000 instances of 
one object, furthermore, a script which lets me reduce the number of objects 
in the .stg. If I use 3100 objects, everything is fine. 3200 objects, and FG 
hangs. 100% repeatable, though I did not narrow down the threshold number 

However, the threshold number seems to depend on 
- the object(s) loaded
- CPU load: If I have another process running (mplayer, for example) which 
consumes some CPU, FG now also hangs for the 3100 objects case (which would 
otherwise load fine if there was no other demanding process).

It appears as if FG somewhat locks up if the initial scenery is not loaded 
within a certain wall clock time.

Any ideas?


- Git from 5 Sep 2011
- Gentoo Linux
- GeForce 7600 GS (running ancient nvidia drivers 180.29)

fgfs --prop:/sim/frame-rate-throttle-hz=30 --disable-random-objects 
--geometry=1920x1190+0+0 --atlas=socket,out,1,localhost,5500,udp 
--fg-root=/home/tom/daten/fgfs/src/fgdata --season=summer 
 --aircraft=c172p --airport=TNCM --log-level=alert 
--prop:/sim/rendering/multi-samples=2 --prop:/sim/ai-traffic/enabled=false 
--prop:/sim/traffic-manager/enabled=false --prop:/sim/atc/enabled=false 
--timeofday=dawn --enable-real-weather-fetch --control=joystick 

[1] http://www.mediafire.com/?n9uftx7vil98btz

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