+++ Geoff McLane [21/09/11 13:38 +0200]:
>If you add that png, I would give it a try with 5000, 
>but the problems does seem to be in your machine at the 
>moment ;=((

I've seen something similar before, it's incredibly annoying, and I suspect
you'll eventually track it down to a typo in an stg file.

What happens is that the scenery engine never finishes loading the startup
scenery, so everything hangs.

When you fly *to* the airport in question flightgear is already running in
its normal state and so doesn't have that "all the scenery is loaded" hurdle
to get over.

Start it up with some very verbose logging and you'll track it down.

Jon Stockill

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
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