Hi all!

> Cedric wrote:
> ManDay, on behalf of the Split-Team ^^

> ThorstenB wrote:
> I don't think this is what we agreed upon. 

I'd like to mention that Cedric did not wrote his email "on my behalf" nor on 
Jorg's. Cedric has been
a great help (most of this wouldn't be possible without him) and for most of 
the process we agree, 
but we disagree with the dissolving of aircraft repos.

My "plan" is still to keep the aircraft under the FlightGear Aircraft project, 
as written down on the 
wiki page http://wiki.flightgear.org/FlightGear_Git:_splitting_fgdata I did not 
add 387 repositories
to Gitorious (by hand!) to see them dissolve ;)

After a simple test I found out that granting admin rights to aircraft authors 
will also mean that they
can revoke the flightgear-aircraft team's rights. And if that is done, we'd 
have no control over the 
repo whatsoever. We even would be unable to delete it (only way is to delete 
the entire project, but
as you can imagine that isn't "a way").

I've added this to the "Questions" section at the wiki. Please see if you can 
answer/ask any other

Therefore I think we shouldn't give aircraft authors full admin rights over 
their aircraft's repos. I did
add all fgdata-developers and flightgear-developers to the flightgear-aircraft 
team, so anyone that
was able to push to fgdata/flightgear should be able to push to all aircraft 
repos. Please let me know
when you're missing.


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