> > I agree that for this question, a standardized benchmark would be
> Hi,
> Not exactly 'standardized' but certainly agree the some comparative
> information is important, not only which video/resolution/OS/...
> These were all run as default, noon, full screen, 1440x900, c172p, motor
> idling, KSFO 10L, for about
> 5 minutes each... the last is SG/FG git about 17:00 hours UTC today...
> Various versions currently available - in Ubuntu
> 10.04 LTS - all compiled from git source...
> fg3  2008-09-01 - 46 fps
> fg4  2009-03-26 - 46 fps
> fg5  2009-04-18 - 47 fps - highest
> fg6  2009-06-26 - 46 fps
> no 2010 not archived, until...
> fg14 2011-04-26 - 43 fps
> fg15 2011-06-03 - 40 fps
> fg16 2011-11-01 - 40 fps
> fg17 2011-10-30 - 32 fps
> fg18 2011-11-15 - 27 fps
> fg19 2012-01-16 - 22 fps - lowest
> fg20 2012-05-01 - 32 fps
> fg20 2012-05-04 - 32 fps
> This is of course without rembrandt, and not specifically
> ANYTHING, although perhaps internal default were changed...
> Of course I hope we can someday return to the fps I got for most of 2009
> but do understand new 'features', subsystems, etc - in short improvements
> in the 'real' experience - can cost fps, perhaps never to be recovered...
> HTH.
> Regards,
> Geoff.
> PS: Can someone remind me the --prop:/sim/??? to set from the command
> line to show frame rate - to avoid the need to View -> Display Options to
> it into existence - tks. Of course I would prefer it be enabled by default

I've seen a subjective improvement in frame rate over the last few days. In
the same situation as you outline above I get 56 fps.  This is half what I
see at a simple airport like EGMH, and  third of what I see over ocean. The
tall pole in the tent is the KSFO terminal: if this is in view the frame
drops to around 44. Enabling every shader, Random Veg, Obj and Bldgs etc.
drops the frame rate to 30 fps. Being selective about which shaders are
enabled doesn't change that significantly. On the other hand, disabling
Random Veg , Random Obj or Random Bldgs does increase the frame rate
significantly - about 5 fps each. Not scientific I know. 

The frame rate should continue to be displayed after a restart if you enable
it then exit FG using ESC - not just shutting the window. Your selection
should be auto-saved. It works here, and if it does not that's a bug.


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