> 1) What's the version number of the new release?
>    a) 2.8.0
>    b) 3.0.0

My impression is that it would be best to advertize Rembrandt as a new, 
exciting, but optional and stil experimental development. The reason is similar 
to what others have said - it seems to do really impressive things with light 
sources on some systems, it seems to make other systems really slow and it 
doesn't seem to be guaranteed to work everywhere.

Personally, I'm not using it since it makes my system just a bit too slow to 
enjoy and I can't really see how to port lightfield development to Rembrandt (I 
guess we're not quite there yet as far as infrastructure is concerned, and I'd 
have to learn a few things,  but also  if Rembrandt + lightfield becomes even 
20% slower than Rembrandt alone, then I can't fly it any more - Rembrandt costs 
me more than 50% of my framerate ). So personally, I really need it as 
optional, and I'd drop out of shader development if it weren't because if I 
can't enjoy it, I somehow lose the motivation to do it.

I have also continuing concerns with 'converting' things to Rembrandt - do they 
still work for non-Rembrandt? I know some people create optional Rembrandt and 
non-Rembrandt versions. I'd ask everyone who has no problems with Rembrandt to 
really be aware that there are people who can't run it on their hardware at all 
and that there are others who may not want to run it but may want to use 
Flightgear and their favourite planes nevertheless.

Going to a version 2.8 would really expose Rembrandt (lightfields, ...) to a 
larger user-base so that we can have a much better picture (via Forum response) 
where the issues are. I think overemphasizing exciting new features will 
backfire badly if there are issues. I'd really approach this with caution.

> Rembrandt has been around for quite a few months now,
> and the changes required to make an aircraft Rembrandt-compatible are
> pretty small, even if the changes to add proper lights are more involved.
> If I was being harsh I'd suggest that the aircraft maintainers should
> "man up and do it".

Is the implication of this that Rembrandt is considered the default and 
aircraft maintainers are expected to switch? When did we make this decision? I 
know all people for whom Rembrandt runs well would like to see everything 
converted asap, but what for these where it really means a lot of performance 

> 2) Which aircraft do we ship in the base package?
>    a) just the c172
>    b) same as before
>    c) [name your preferred aircraft]

I like the DR-400 JSBSim very much - I seem to remember it was offered to the 
repository by the PAF hangar, I'm not sure if it ended up being committed. 
Anyway, I think it's a great plane, both in terms of the FDM and the visuals. 
Otherwise I'd like to see either the IAR-80 or the P-51D. There was also some 
work on the DHC6 - that's also a really popular plane - we might include that.

> 3) Should we keep last year's commit policy for aircraft during the
> feature freeze?
>    a) yes
>    b) no

I would allow to commit aircraft freely up to the last point. It doesn't make 
any sense to restrict new commits as long as we don't have any effort in place 
to control quality of the aircraft which are already committed at least to the 
level where we make sure they run with the new version. We always seem to 
distribute some non-functional aircraft with a release, and as long as that is 
the case, what's the point in controlling what happens to new aircraft? Last 
minute changes are likely to be better than the non-functionals lying around.

I would perhaps make an exception for any aircraft in the base package - 
quality control for those should be better and there should be some time for 
testing them.


* Thorsten
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