On 10/03/2012 11:02 PM, AJ MacLeod wrote:
> On Mon, 01 Oct 2012 17:47:54 +0100
> James Turner wrote:
> The place I miss stereo sounds most is in glider cockpits - where are you 
> going to position the sound of the wind rushing past the canopy, fuselage 
> etc?  It's bound to just sound mono and dead (I'd be happy to be proved wrong 
> of course!)

I once experimented with two (mono) noise locations (obviously left and 
right of the listener but it might even be a higher number for gliders) 
with two different noise samples using independent properties (like 
pitch based on angle-of-attack and/or side-slip angle).

 From memory this sounded quite convincing but I don't remember if it 
ended up in one of the aircraft. The most obvious place I could have put 
it is in the c172p though.


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