Hi, all

I just want to translate the latex getstart manual to Chinese. First of
all, I tried to compile the English version but I got following fatal

$ bin/makegetstart.sh en pdf
Building English manual.
rm: cannot remove directory: `.'
bin/makegetstart.sh: 37: bin/makegetstart.sh: lndir: not found
identify: unable to open image `*.eps':  @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2587.
bin/makegetstart.sh: 55: [: -lt: unexpected operator
change image size
expr: syntax error
convert: invalid argument for option `-resize': /x/ @
bin/makegetstart.sh: 62: cd: can't cd to img
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009/Debian)
entering extended mode
! I can't find file `getstart-en.tex'.
<*> getstart-en.tex
(Press Enter to retry, or Control-D to exit)
Please type another input file name:

I think it must be the directory problem cause me under error directory
to execute the script.

Someone could you please tell me how to compile it? I use Ubuntu 12.04
LTS 32bits.

 * @brief 启智开源 编码自由
 * @brief Open Source,  Coding for free!
 * @param author 佟辉 Tong Hui
 * @param email tongh...@gmail.com
 * @param web http://tonghuix.blog.chinaunix.net

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