Martin Spott wrote:
> tonghuix wrote:

>> identify: unable to open image `*.eps':  @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2587.
>> bin/ 55: [: -lt: unexpected operator
> The error in the second line is most likely caused by some malfunction
> which is expressed in the first one.

....  which, of course, doesn't come by surprise, as long as "lndir" is
missing  :-)
After reading Pete's comment I'd like to point out that there's very
little setup-specific in the build scripts.  Of course you need to have
LaTeX installed with "htlatex" and/or "pdflatex" helpers, Ghostscript,
ImageMagick, as well as some other pretty common Unix tools. The only
local requirement is to have /usr/local/src/ writeable - which I assume
is common as well, especially when you're in building OpenSource

Aside from that, the scripts are sooo simple, they're README's in
themselves - especially for people capable of writing LaTeX  ;-)

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