
> I'm thinking of something different from the screenshot contest that we 
> usually run

Usually Curt just asks for images and then Durk, I and a few others send in 
some shots. Last year's screenshot contest was really a special case, to 
celebrate FlightGear's 15th birthday.

I didn't plan to run a contest for this release and as I don't have much time 
this week, it'd would've been to late to organize something anyway.

I think the usual approach of just collecting a few shots highlighting specific 
new features works well. Do note that we'd like to have all shots in the same 
aspect ratio, so they can be put together nicely. I don't remember the exact 
number, but I believe it was something like 3:2. For banners, (forum, facebook, 
Google+) we also need a few wide images, or images that can be easily cut to a 
landscape size, without cutting the subject in half.


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