On Wed, 6 Feb 2013, Renk Thorsten wrote:

> Could anyone perhaps instruct me how to push onto the release branch? I have 
> committed a couple of shader bugfixes to the master branch which should go to 
> release as well, but I don't have a local release branch by default, so I'm 
> unsure what to do. Or is the idea that only a subset of comitters touches the 
> release branch?
> Thanks for any advice!


Something along these lines:

$ git branch my-2.10.0 origin/release/2.10.0

$ git checkout my-2.10.0

Find the commit ids of the bug fix commits on the master branch

$ git log master

Cherry pick these to your local release branch

$ git cherry-pick <id>

Verify that you have picked the right changes

$ git diff origin/release/2.10.0 my-2.10.0

Push the updated release branch[*]

$ git push origin my-2.10.0:release/2.10.0

[*] Make sure to push it to the right name as shown or else you'll create 
a new branch in the remote repository.


Anders Gidenstam
WWW: http://gitorious.org/anders-hangar

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