> ..a pointer to your previous message would help here, this thread
> is broken (in at least my MUA) and getting hard to follow.

Maybe we just have some cultural misunderstandings?

The way I see it - if you want to make a statement in a discussion, you have to 
read what has been said before. No matter how hard it is to follow. No matter 
how long. Everything else is impolite - you're in essence sending the message 
"I don't really care what you've been saying already, but I think my opinion is 
so important so that I neither need to react to what you've been saying 
previously nor to care not to repeat what's already been solved - but I expect 
you to react to what I have to say."  You don't want to follow the discussion 
because it's so complicated, that's fine, but then don't speak up.

The categorical imperative will tell you that it doesn't work if some people 
want special treatment. 

In the event Lorenzo argues for instance against loading terrain far out for 
radar purposes. Nobody has proposed to do that, so it's a strawman argument in 
the first place. Vivian has mentioned the dangers of the approach, I have 
agreed with him, so what is the possible point of arguing against something no 
one wants to do? Replying to that only keeps the discussion in one more 
unproductive cycle and doesn't make anything clearer. He argues for using 
visibility as a device to adjust framerate, ignoring all arguments brought 
against seeing visibility as a mere tool to adjust framerate, and despite James 
sketching a LOD bias system  as a well-defined alternative way to get framerate 
adjusted using LOD ranges. So he doesn't bother to read what Vivian, James and 
I have been saying - why should it then be my job to give him pointers?

The way I see it, if you want to criticize something, you first make sure you 
understand the problem so that you can deliver a meaningful critique, and 
ideally you can even suggest a better alternative. If you speak without 
understanding the problem, you're choosing a very unfriendly way to ask others 
to take their time and explain it to you when understanding it should have been 
your job in the first place. If you don't understand, you ask politely for an 
explanation, only if you understand and disagree, you can criticize. The way I 
see it, if you have criticized without understanding, you owe an apology.

The way I see it, arguments should be based on what's correct, not what's 
familiar. I'm repeatedly observing that familiar flaws are seen as completely 
acceptable, but any flaw in new features is jumped on eagerly. I'm even 
observing that any change is held to the standard of what was previously 
installed and is perceived wrong if different. In the forum, there was an 
argument that
XXXX 012345Z 23010KT 5000 SHRA SCT012 BKN018 OVC060 15/11 Q1010
is wrongly interpreted because it comes out much darker than in 2.0.0 - 
illustrated with screenshots showing 3/8 cloud cover. The familiar trumps the 
correct, even given that 3/8 cloud cover is definitely not what the METAR says 
- it doesn't matter that we now have the correct cloud cover specified by the 
weather, it matters that it's no longer what is familiar, and this isn't the 
way to make an argument. Having z/Z control visibility because one is used to 
it is no argument for or against it. 

The way I see it, arguments should be backed up with evidence. The memory 
consumption of loading 20 km (50 km, 100 km) of terrain is a number in a 
certain range - we don't need to toss concerns back and forth if we go ahead 
and measure the number, and we should base decisions on evidence rather than 
belief if we can get the evidence.

I don't think these are grossly unreasonable foundations for meaningful, 
productive discussions. I'm not in a position to make anyone else adopt such 
standards as the goal for having a discussions, but could we perhaps give it a 

* Thorsten
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