
> Having talked about it for months (years?)  I've finally written some
> rules that improve the integration of Basic Weather with the Atmospheric
> shader.
> In particular the skydome properties are now calculated using formulae
> similar to those of Advanced Weather so there's no need to set
> rayleigh/mie/density properties directly, and appropriate levels of ground
> haze are estimated based on the lowest cloud layer.
> Some of the integration is quite basic, and there's plenty of room for
> improvement in the Basic Weather METAR parsing to set up appropriate
> visibility settings in particular.
> Feedback welcome as always, though I suspect almost everyone these days
> is using Advanced Weather...
> This also removes another roadblock from possibly making the atmospheric
> shader on by (non-Rembrandt) default.  Ooohhh, controversial :)

I still use basic weather with mp so that I get the same clouds in both
clients - is this still the case?

Your most recent change seems to have broken the manual input gui here -
sometimes it works, and sometimes the values revert to the default. 

We seem to have lost the ability to use /NIL as a METAR input - very useful
during fdm development to remove weather effects. I'm not sure when this
broke, I think it might have been something James did.


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