
 > On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 9:18 AM, Vivian Meazza wrote:
 > > I still use basic weather with mp so that I get the same clouds in
 > > both clients - is this still the case?
 > The clouds are unchanged by this, though I don't think that you will
 > get the same clouds in MP on both clients unless they are started at the
> same time.
>The only changes I made with this were to ensure that Basic Weather
>  generates the appropriate properties for the atmospheric shaders.
> >
 > > Your most recent change seems to have broken the manual input gui
 > > here
 > > - sometimes it works, and sometimes the values revert to the default.
 > Hmmm, odd - I made the changes specifically to fix the manual input UI
 > that I thought your Weather UI changes had broken!  :)
 I still have the old version: seems to work fine. But I only moved the way
 was accessed - not the gui itself. It might be that we have actually
 some old bugs of course.
 > I suspect that you and I are using the UI in a different way and
 > there's something broken in the (complex) UI logic.  I'll take a look
 > over the weekend
 > - sorry for the inconvenience.
 > If you're able to nail down the specific actions that cause it to
 > fail, vs. the actions that make it work that would be useful.
 First problem seems to be related to the mouse - here it gets stuck in the
 "coverage" field if you enter it (you don't actually need to). You can get
 of it by hitting tab and then right mouse click. 

Second problem is that if you then close the manual  entry window and 
then hit either OK or Apply the weather reverts to the
 METAR data and the manual entry fields are all set to the default value.
 Hitting close works OK and the manual data is applied.

Third problem is that sometimes when I enter values on a cloud coverage line
then move to another line to fill in data there, the first entry line
reverts to the default values. I can't reproduce this reliably, nor can I
identify any cause. 

I haven't seen any of these problems before, but I wouldn't claim that they
weren't pre-existing: it is entirely possible that I never tested the right
combination of entry conditions. They're pretty obvious though when you do
encounter them.
> > > We seem to have lost the ability to use /NIL as a METAR input - very
> > > useful during fdm development to remove weather effects. I'm not
> > > sure when this broke, I think it might have been something James did.
> >
> > That shouldn't have been changed by anything I've done recently.
> No - I think the problem lies elsewhere as I said.


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