It occurred to me yesterday that there seems to be a major misunderstanding in 
the way Atmospheric Light Scattering (ALS) is perceived by different people. So 
in order to avoid future misunderstandings, let me try to clarify my side once 


> Do we need to go down this road? We are breaking more and  
> more for minimal gains. Did we ever restore the wake effect on the Carrier  
> with Atmospheric Light Scattering?

Emilian (a while ago):

> I have nothing about the core of the Advanced weather engine, I have an issue 
> of how you interact with it, and how it interacts with other parts of the 
> whole system... and in my view this is broken. 
> I also have nothing against the idea of the atmospheric scattering, I have an 
> issue with how it's done, which is suboptimal in my view... and again of how 
> you can interact with it/ how it affects other systems, and how it's affected 
> by 
> other systems.

The common theme here is the perception that something is broken, which is 
naturally not my perception. For instance, the fact that ALS doesn't have a 
wake shader effect indicates its brokenness the same way as the fact that the 
default rendering doesn't have procedural texturing working - which is to say, 
not at all. 

Vivian might correct me, but I think I finally understand where that notion 
comes from. I think it comes from the view that ALS is in essence just another 
way to compute fog and light for what the default rendering scheme does, and 
from this perspective, any effect that doesn't work is indeed broken.

The original plan was indeed to implement things as just different fog and 
light, there is still the parameter 'fog-type' in the effects which would 
support such an implementation, and there was a 6 months window during which 
Emilian and Vivian had the opportunity to implement it that way. As this didn't 
happen (for whatever reason) I decided to ask for some help and Fred kindly 
told me how to implement it as a different rendering framework (i.e. loading a 
whole different effect rather than a different fog shader only).

So, from where I stand, that decision is done and it is now a different 
rendering framework, which means clean slate, all effects have to be written 
from scratch, with all the pros and cons to that (which we might debate 
endlessly). So since this window of opportunity to start from scratch happened, 
I took the opportunity to address a few things I saw as shortcomings in the 
default rendering framework we had. Just to give a few examples:

* Environment interfacing:

Emilian's view that the way ALS and Advanced Weather interact with the rest is 
broken is... bold. Just to give an example for how he addressed the interface, 
for instance the water shader needs to know the amount of reflected light at 
the water surface in order to compute reflection.

Emilian's and Vivian's version of the water sine shader solves this by passing 
the cloud layer configuration settings of Basic Weather to the shader and then 
compute in the fragment shader from that the amount of light. This means that 
a) Advanced Weather has no chance (even conceptually) of ever passing the 
correct information to the shader since it doesn't use the Basic Weather config 
properties to create clouds and my understanding is that it is even impossible 
to write these properties without actually generating visible clouds 
interfering with what Advanced Weather does, and that b) a quantity which 
changes in Basic Weather once a few minutes (when a new METAR comes in) is 
computed about 60 million times each second. I may not be a rendering wizard, 
but this doesn't sound like the way to implement an environment interface to 

My supposedly broken interface references a single property 'light reaching the 
ground'  for the same purpose. That property isn't native to the weather 
system, it can be set by hand with the browser without affecting anything else 
but the shader or be computed by any weather system currently running, i.e. 
shader control parameters are explicitly and always separated from native 
weather system parameters. This means the computation can be done if and only 
if needed, and the interface doesn't prefer one weather system over the other.

* Consistency

I've witnessed quite a few forum discussions with people complaining that they 
didn't think selecting higher quality shader settings would give them higher 
quality visuals (usually this was about the crop and forest overlay texture 
effects which some like and some don't - I have my opinion which is irrelevant 
here). Likewise, snow and fog were not always consistent across landclasses (I 
believe this is fixed now).

Starting from scratch offered the opportunity to organize quality settings with 
a clear idea in mind, using a consistently selected set of effects. Now, 
consistent doesn't necessarily mean superior, it just says it's all my idea of 
visual quality, not a mixture of different ideas.  But then again, I might 
argue that after all I won the screenshot contest, so if anyone here has 
something like an 'official' stamp for widely shared visual quality judgements, 
that'd probably be me then.

* Toolkit

Together with the regional texturing, giving an easy and xml-configurable way 
to users to change the scenery appearance is something which I consider very 
important, as it lowers the entry barrier tremendously for everyone who wants 
to work with scenery. I have never seen so many people play with scenery before 
than in the recent months. Personally I think in terms of configurability, 
having a terrain ubershader completely driven from materials.xml is much 
superior to having to write effects for individual landclasses. Again, this 
might not be everyone's idea of how things are supposed to be, but since it 
doesn't interfere with the previous way of doing things - a surprisingly simple 
solution for everyone who doesn't like the idea is to not use it.

So, to summarize my position: Atmospheric Light Scattering is a different 
rendering framework with its very own set of effects (which some people 
consider better, others worse than the default). It is not a different way to 
draw fog and compute light for the default rendering framework. I think the way 
it interfaces with environment in terms of neutral control properties and 
computations done outside the shader is very reasonable, and if someone 
considers calling the interface 'broken' in the future, I would kindly ask for 
concrete evidence, or I will dismiss such statements immediately as obviously 

The set of effects which ALS provides doesn't default to all effects in the 
default rendering framework, it defaults to the choice I consider being most 
interesting plus whatever others contribute because they consider it 
interesting. I don't see it as my duty to provide every effect which is  in the 
default framework, just the same way as I don't see it as anyone's duty to 
implement every of my new effects in default. I certainly listen to what people 
would like to have, but I don't feel under obligation to deliver for every 
wish. Having the model ubershader available is obviously a legitimate wish of 
modellers, but asking that it does exactly what its counterpart does and should 
never get any new options is not.

So if the definition of 'broken' is 'doesn't work as in the default framework' 
then I would suggest to revise the definition - it's not supposed to work the 
same way, because I see merit in doing it differently. We can argue about how a 
proper interface should look like, or how users should get access to terrain 
shaders, but please on the basic of actual arguments. Anyone how thinks it 
really should be implemented as just additional fog and light is also free to 
grab my code and do so, it's all GPL. 

Hopefully these comments help to provide realistic expectations and reduce 
frustration on both sides.


* Thorsten
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