
> Sent: 13 June 2013 07:25
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: [Flightgear-devel] Rembrandt performance
> I've had a my first short go with Rembrandt on my new machine yesterday.
> The test case was a small airport in Sulawesi (Indonesia) (WAAJ) where I'm
> discovering a very nice scenery. There are no static or shared models to
> speak of, there is some forest around, and that's basically it. I chose
> weather, i.e. a modest cloud cover. The aircraft was the PAF team DR-400
> the latest version.
> All Rembrandt functions work out of the box very nicely. I started with a
> dawn scene and tried the landing light illumination first. This gave me a
> 30 fps. I then switched to noon and tried shadows. I have to say that
since I
> am more the VFR virtual pilot, I almost never fly at night, lightmap for
> illumination work fine for me, and so shadows are the main selling point
> Rembrandt which attracts  me.
> The initial shadows coming up by default were rather ragged and flickery
> last is a problem for me, I tend to get headache when looking at some sort
> flickers unfortunately), so I played with shadow map size, cascade ranges
> filtering till I had a nice result. To my dismay, at this point the
> counter gave me a mere 15 fps (no shader effects on at this point).
> For comparison, the same scene renders in Atmospheric Light Scattering
> all details maxed out (including tree motion) with solid 60 fps.
> Am I doing anything wrong? Did I miss any optimization which makes the
> shadows run fast enough? Am I just unlucky and my system has some
> unspecified problems chewing Rembrandt? Does anyone else get
> significantly higher framerate out of shadows with filtering? I am running
> an GeForce GTX 670M, which is usually a pretty fast beast.
> I mean, maybe it's just me, but this appears to confirm a suspicion I
> earlier that trying to pack ALS functionality into Rembrandt will end up
> way too slow. If I have a mere 15 fps before any shaders, then I can't
> reasonably apply 800 lines of extra computations and expect no performance
> impact.
> Does anyone have a semi-solid case which would argue that this would be
> fast enough? I'm sort of trying to make my mind up if I should focus on
> before the next release (which is why I did the test), but it seems
> to me. It's okay and flyable as it stands, but I don't see how to cram
lots of
> extra stuff in.

I think your numbers are pretty representative. 15 fps is definitely not
enough IMO. I would say that 30 fps would be a good aiming point. Smoothness
is also a factor.


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