> Thanks for the report, but ... I just ran a fresh build using
> VisualC 2010 Express (I don't have the professional version),
> and everything runs fine. I don't see a crash. Note that my build
> was in Release mode, on Win7 64-bit.
> Can you please provide more information about your build (Release
> or Debug mode?), and if this happens always or only sometimes? Do
> you have to do anything special while the program runs, or do you
> only start it and click the exit/quit button immediately? Can you
> provide some debug info (call stack etc. ?).  This could help, if
> it is not something that is only in your system setup. What language
> is your system language?
> Albrecht

The issue occur consitently with fltk-1.1.10, fltk-1.3.x (I have not checked 
other versions.) by starting the program normally and click the exit/quit 
button to close.

The programs were built for win32 release mode (staticly linked fltk library 
with microsoft dll runtime) running in 64 bit windows 7 ultimate on an AMD 
machine with US locale.

I notice that the three example test programs all use opengl, and the issue 
seems to be caused by calling the standard c runtime--exit() function. Other 
programs in the same test directory that also calls exit() have no issue.

If I replace the exit() with fl_exit() in the exit/quit button 
callback(described in 'Beginner fltk tutorial' for memory resource cleanup)

void fl_exit()
  while( Fl::first_window() )

the programs exit normally.

BTW, sorry for posting in this forum; I should have used the fltk.general 

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