Fl_Tree_items are not lightweight text nodes they basically duplicate  
several data members of Fl_Widget so when we add an widget to it we have  
basically two widgets to use one right now.

class FL_EXPORT Fl_Tree_Item {
   const char             *_label;              // label (memory managed)
   Fl_Font                 _labelfont;          // label's font face
   Fl_Fontsize             _labelsize;          // label's font size
   Fl_Color                _labelfgcolor;       // label's fg color
   Fl_Color                _labelbgcolor;       // label's bg color
   char                    _open;               // item is open?
   char                    _visible;            // item is visible?
   char                    _active;             // item activated?
   char                    _selected;           // item selected?
   int                     _xywh[4];            // xywh of this widget (if 
   int                     _collapse_xywh[4];   // xywh of collapse icon (if  
   int                     _label_xywh[4];      // xywh of label
   Fl_Widget              *_widget;             // item's label widget 
   Fl_Image               *_usericon;           // item's user-specific icon  
   Fl_Tree_Item_Array      _children;           // array of child items
   Fl_Tree_Item           *_parent;             // parent item (=0 if root)
   void                   *_userdata;           // user data that can be  
associated with an item
#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10302
   Fl_Tree_Item           *_prev_sibling;       // previous sibling (same level)
   Fl_Tree_Item           *_next_sibling;       // next sibling (same level)
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