I'll throw in my $.02 here

Fabien Costantini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Rafal wrote:
> > Hi, after using FLTK2 for some time, I have following ideas how to overall
> > improve it;
> Improve it ? you mean now that it is stable enough and released ?
> (sorry for the bad joke)

It is possible to product commercial quality apps with fltk2.  Emphasize the *is
possible* part.

> Also arguing that replacing char* by std::string and so on would make FLTK2
more bug free is a complete...

Using std::string *would* make fltk2 more bug free.
But it would be a mistake.

The vast majority of widget labels & tooltips are compile time constants
anyways, why add the extra overhead that's not needed?
And it integrates wonderfully well with internationalization libraries like
gettext, cstrings,  intlize, etc.

> > 2) better examples
> The documentation is good and also the examples, Bill made a great job on the
doxygen part.

I think we might need a document specifically geared towards folks who've used
Qt or gtk.  Migration from Qt to fltk is pretty painful.  The philosophies are
way different and it takes some time to adjust.

> > 3) better layout mechanizms?
> the layout mechanism isn't bad. A realistic roadmap leading to a robust
release would be more useful IMHO,
> then you could try to improve it ; guided by the experience of a real working

In my opinion this is the biggest problem with fltk2.  Building and combining
composite widgets gets complex and ugly.  Any further development on fltk2 IMHO
should concentrate on getting this to work, likely by adding

virtual void measure(int&, int&) const;

to fltk::Widget.

If that's added and a few bugs are fixed I'd vote to have a major fltk2 release.

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