Albrecht wrote:
> But I can't generate the pdf docs because of error messages when
> running  make in the doc/latex directory. I'll append a shortened
> log to this  message, maybe you can help? Obviously there are some
> missing files, but  I don't know ... I'm using a current cygwin
> LaTeX (tetex) installation,  FWIW.

I guess I'm lucky that the LaTeX package that I have installed on
my Lunar Linux box at home seems to have more of the optional stuff
installed than the default cygwin package. 

You can probably find the missing macro packages on CTAN if the
aren't available directly in cygwin. Don't remember how you go
about installing them though off the top of my head.

We can also look at changing the default LaTeX template if needed.

> ! LaTeX Error: File `a4wide.sty' not found.
  This package increases the width of the typeset area of an a4 page.

> ! LaTeX Error: File `fancyhdr.sty' not found.
  Extensive control of page headers and footers in LaTeX2e

> ! LaTeX Error: File `float.sty' not found.
  Improved interface for floating objects

> ! LaTeX Error: File `times.sty' not found.

  http:// ?
  Sets Times as the default font to match PostScript

> ! LaTeX Error: File `ifpdf.sty' not found.

  http:// ?
  Conditional macros for generating PDF

> ! LaTeX Error: File `hyperref.sty' not found.
  Extensive support for hypertext in LaTeX

I can maybe check cygwin on my son's Windows box this evening.


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