rainbow sally wrote:
> They appear to be arrays of parameters for tabs and it looks
> like the upper limit of the number of tabs is 128.  That's really
> unrealistic in v. 2.x, however, because we don't have a way to scroll the tabs
> so we end up missing some stuff after about 5 to 10 pages.

        Right -- the FLTK tabs are pretty limited due to lack of scrolling.
        So 128 tabs would be really pushing the limits of the GUI.

        Unlike most FLTK widgets that have scrollers or other ways to move
        through large amounts of data, the FLTK tab widget is one of the few
        that is fairly limited in its presentation.

        The argument is that a tab widget paradigm isn't optimal for a
        large number of items, and that 'scrolling sideways' through tabs
        is a weak use of tabs.

        The recommendation is that if you really want a large number of tabs,
        move to a different widget, like an Fl_Browser or an Fl_Tree.
        (One can see this in e.g. the microsoft IDE itself, where when
        you look at the properties of a project, each classification
        is in a browser list at the left, and the dialog/forms appear at the 

        The only place I've ever seen a really large number of tabs
        is in web browsers, and in those cases they're custom widgets
        that seem to still be evolving how to do things.. ie. it's still
        in a growth process. Things such as little 'x' buttons to close
        the tab, etc.

        I haven't seen anyone in the FLTK community submit a scrollable
        tab widget. If someone did, then that widget would definitely want
        to have no limits on the number of tabs. Until then, though, there's
        probably no need, until the widget is enhanced in some way.
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