> I used .phony in documentation/Makefile to force generation
> of the doc files manually independent of (not defined)
> dependencies.
> I couldn't find another example in our Makefiles and wonder
> whether this is standard or a GNU make extension. I could
> not find it on the web. Does anybody know?
> If it's not standard, how can we achieve the same with standard
> make?
> Albrecht

Albrecht, is this what you're looking for?


I'm pretty sure this feature is specific to GNU, though I believe
some other make's have something called ".force" which is
the same thing IIRC.  (Is there a "standard" make? I think not).

In any case, using it should be pretty harmless.  It will work
as intended if the feature is supported; if not, it will do the
right thing unless the user has a file called ".phony" lying

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