> Ok, just within hours of the new RC we get two new bugs, one of them crashes 
> the app. So according to our release plan, I *must* do another RC.
> But I already *know* that no matter how long I wait until the RC, I will not 
> get a bug report. As soon as the RC is out, within a day, the patches will 
> start flying in.

> But what shall we do? Change the release policy? Make RC6 final and push 
> 1.3.1 out a few weeks form now? Make an RC7? Now? In two weeks? I really 
> don't know. Please suggest... .

I don't know how much my opinion counts on these matters, if at all, but 
here're my thoughts on the issue:

I can't actually recall any other major piece of software that has 6+ Release 
Candidates (wine 1.2 had 6, IIRC, but beyond that...). In fact, I don't know of 
many that have more than 3 as part of their CMP.
In light of this, I'd vote for a fixed-length RC cycle. Perhaps 4 or 8 weeks, 
and in that time push out 3 RCs. By the end of the period, release. I think one 
of the major problems currently is that nobody has any deadline to vigorously 
test their app if they know the minute they report a bug they hold up the 
release process; by forcing a fixed-length timeframe everyone has to have their 
testing done by the end of the 4th (or 8th or nth, depending on what is decided 
on) week.
Anything reported after that time should either be bumped to the next release 
or, if it's major, incorporated into a bugfix release.

As for now, I'd argue that if you're only getting in one major bug per RC, 
there's no harm in pushing out the next RC now!

Thoughts, all?
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