On 1 Oct 2011, at 21:12, Matthias Melcher wrote:

>> And will be heavily to sell the apps with not standart 
>> looks of control elements (like QT/Win32 apps)
> This is no longer true IMHO. People are very used now to web interfaces
> that do not resemble any of the standard toolkits. Developers are behind
> the curve here. Users are much more interested in a good and logical UI.
> The mostly do not care at all about the GUI toolkit that was used.

Indeed - there appear to be great moves underway in how the UI is handled, so 
pretty much all of the toolkits are all "obsolete" already - striving to match 
the behaviour of any other existing toolkit, however widely used, may not be 

Indeed, from my experience, many of the "established" toolkits work less well 
in a touch-enabled environment than fltk does, so trying to be more like them 
is surely a dead end. We've done a variety of touch-enabled UI's over the last 
several years, mainly using fltk, and it has worked well. I've seen other 
projects struggling and failing using more "popular" toolkits, so I'm not keen 
to head in that direction!

>> I think are if FLTK would has the button "Donate" - then 
>> it would give to developers of FLTK the stimulus for to 
>> improve the project... 
> We did have a 400 Euro (IIRC) donation in March '08 that we split amongst
> the developers who fixed the lat ten bugs to get 1.0.8 out. It was a great
> success and basically one single person fixed all the bugs within a week.
> The downside was (if I remember right - someone correct me if I am wrong),
> that none of the money went to any of the core developers.

In fact, IIRC, the money pretty much all came *from* core developers...

Though I still think it was well spent!

> As for embedded devices support: FLTK is used on many embedded devices. It
> works great with Microwindows and other minimal X11 servers that are common
> there. It's just that we do not support every possible embedded device
> here. There are smile too many setups for cross compilation, etc. . But we
> try to help as much as we can if someone tries to set this up,

There is no point even trying to support multiple embedded devices - I've been 
doing embedded dev for about 25 years, and the things I'd say are:

- Every platform is different, even the ones that are ostensibly "the same", 
since embedded devices will always have "interesting" compromises to make in 
their implementations. This affects the h/w, the toolchain, board support, 

- Anyone who is serious about embedded dev will need to learn the toolchain and 
limitations of their specific target. So they need to understand for themselves 
how to build code for their target. Fltk is actually very simple to build, so 
if they can't get fltk to build on their target, they are never going to manage 
to build anything complicated, however much help we give them. They have the 
tools and the target right at hand - no one can be better placed to see how to 
build code for their target.

If I were being harsh, I'd suggest that in many of the cases where we get asked 
how to build fltk for (embedded target X) the truthful answer should be: (a) 
learn how to cross-compile X11 code for (embedded target X) (b) build fltk (c) 
job done.

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