> On 22 Dec 2011, at 04:07, Yasuhiro Matsumoto wrote:
> > Hi, I had post bug report in few weeks ago
> >=20
> > http://www.fltk.org/str.php?L2777
> >=20
> > But it seems that anyone doesn't reply.
> > How to notice this to author?
> You posted against fltk3 - are you actually using fltk3?
> If so, note that fltk3 is still pre-alpha (i.e. not even alpha, let =
> alone beta, and certainly not considered stable.)
> So, basically, work on fltk3 is mainly happening when the few key =
> players on that branch can find the time - which is not all that often.
> If you need something that works, you need to be trying fltk-1.3, that's =
> the current, active, stable tree.
> If you use fltk3, well, be prepared to wait is all I can suggest, I'm =
> sorry.
> By the way: Does what you are doing work OK on fltk-1.3?=20
> In the immediate term we would be more interested in IME issues in the =
> 1.3 series.
> We do not have enough in-team knowledge of IME usages, so feedback from =
> people familiar with IME usage would be very helpful indeed.
> Also, your patch seems to cover only Win32 - is it OK on other platforms =
> (e.g. X11, OSX), or is it broken on them too? And of so, can you suggest =
> fixes for those hosts too?
> Any input on this is welcome - as I say, we don't really have enough =
> in-team knowledge of IME, so...
> Thanks,
> --=20
> Ian

This patch include two changes.
1. fix IME's font for windows
2. fix TextEditor don't set caret position

First fix effect for windows. This problem does not occur on UNIX.
Second fix effect for all platforms. In few years ago, I sent a patch to work 
IME and UTF-8 for fltk2. And it works about TextEditor also. But the code was 
dropped. So I posted this issue to fltk3.

If you accept this patch for fltk2, Pleaes apply to fltk2.
Currently, I don't have PC which can build fltk2 or fltk3. I'll try to apply 
this patch to fltk2.

Thanks for your reply.

- Yasuhiro Matsumoto

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