On 02/24/12 09:37, Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
> <OT> When we talked about moving to git[hub] as an option, I tried
> and succeeded converting the FLTK svn repository to git. It took me
> some tries (maybe not enough memory in the Linux VM), but finally it
> worked and looked correct. So this is an option, but I'm still waiting
> to see progress on the new server...
> </OT>

        Neat.. so I take it our old revision history could be preserved
        when transferred to git? That's cool.

        Is it possible to use our old svn numbers when pulling things
        out of git? We have so many conversations in newsgroups and STRs
        referring to our svn#'s, so it's important they remain relevant.

        I'd hate to think we'd have to use those damned UUID hex strings
        for rev#s in git; someone else brought that up a few weeks ago
        Those magic hex strings of crap really bug me. I keep running
        into them in unexpected places; Microsoft's new project files,
        Apple's OS files, etc.

        I hate them because they're meaningless modem noise to humans,
        so it's impossible just by looking at one to know if it's corrupted,
        or to gain any insight when things are broken.

        They're basically magic strings of crap only computers can read.
        It seems unix philosophy taught us to avoid such things
        (keep everything ascii and human readable for debugging
        purposes and to have OS files be self-evident).

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