> > Pause...
> Did OpenGL build OK? Last time I started with a "fresh" Ubuntu install I ha=
> d to faff about for a while getting all the GL dev stuff installed...

Ian : Firstly when switching to Ubuntu one must decide on tools. I installed 
various (eclipe + anjuta ide's + GTK + other stuff I can't even remember).All I 
found unsuitable (that's why Jedit Nemiver(dbg) and FLTK,allegedly leaner than 
others so far).For me using Jedit (which I coerced into compliance) and make(my 
own style) is quicker than all the other stuff.This likely explains why the 
./configure worked.

Moving Forward... Yes I have added background colours to Fl_Text_Display.

BUT  Warning there are issues : Theory Talk imminent

struct Style_Table_Entry {
  Fl_Color    color;
  Fl_Font     font;
  Fl_Fontsize size;
  unsigned    attr; // attr is so far unused so i used it for Fl_Color bg

After fixing appropriate code, in my (user) structs I put actual colours
into the attr field,and of course a result. This will cause issues with previous
people's code. These issues of course this can be circumvented by methods
BUT... Whatever way is chosen
sizeof(Fl_Text_display) will have to change AND
sizeof(Style_Table_Entry) will ALSO have to change even if attr is to NOT 
How to do the fixes without impacting existing code...

Which leads me to...
Exactly what is an Fl_Color?
As I understand its either rrggbbii or 000000nn where nn is internally defined.

Now, in some postings i noticed some would like underline,bold,italic,etc(??).
FLTK can be made to do bg , but is underline,bold,italic,etc also a requirement?
If so where will the instruction be put?

It occurs to me a different way to do Fl_Color is iirrggbb or ii0000nn
where one of the bits of ii declares whether the other 24 is rgb or not.
This way (underline,bold,italic,etc) can be various bits of ii
But I don't know which bits of ii are currently unused.
maybe Fl_Text_Color : Fl_Color? mm... really all this is a STYLE
Of course changing Fl_Color will cancerise the rest of the system so perhaps 

Now I personally only need bg Colors not (underline,bold,italic,etc) so i'm 
allright jack.
But it seems to me this should be complete.

I have further discussion on this and many other matters. My personal opinion 
will be given after I am given instruction on how to proceed.

Who decides which way to jump.


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