> On 05/11/12 10:11, Greg Ercolano wrote:
> > On 05/11/12 06:32, Matthias Melcher wrote:
> >     If there's bugs/shortcomings with Fl_Text_Display's
> >     caret + keynav, we should probably fix it, so that it
> >     can be a fully functional replacement for Fl_Multiline_Output.
> >
> >     I did notice, as David did, that the caret would sometimes
> >     not appear. I found if the window opened when my mouse wasn't in it,
> >     the caret wouldn't appear. And moving the mouse INTO the window
> >     didn't make it appear.
>     I've opened STR#2844 for this on David's behalf for this
>     to be investigated.
>     The Fl_Text_XXX widgets seem pretty complex under the hood,
>     so I'm leaving it open for someone to investigate who's familiar
>     with it.

Before I discuss caret behavior.
I have a further related issue (it's all bound up in the same widget).
I need to trap all keystrokes so

#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Text_Display.H>
class EventWindow : public Fl_Double_Window
//  Fl_Text_Buffer*  buff;
//  Fl_Text_Display* disp;
  int handle_keyup(int event, int key, int state);
  int handle_keydn(int event, int key, int state);
  int handle(int e);

EventWindow::EventWindow() : Fl_Double_Window(640,480,"Display")
//  buff = new Fl_Text_Buffer();
//  disp = new Fl_Text_Display(20,20,640-40,480-40);
//  disp->buffer(buff); add(*disp); show();
//  buff->text("line 0\nline 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\nline 5\n");
int EventWindow::handle(int event)
  switch (event) {
    case FL_KEYUP:
        return handle_keyup(event,Fl::event_key(),Fl::event_state());
    case FL_KEYBOARD:
        return handle_keydn(event,Fl::event_key(),Fl::event_state());
      return Fl_Double_Window::handle(event);
int EventWindow::handle_keydn(int pEvent, int pKey,int pState)
printf("KeyDN Key = %d State = %d\n",pKey,pState);fflush(stdout);
        return 1;
int EventWindow::handle_keyup(int pEvent, int pKey,int pState)
printf("KeyUP Key = %d State = %d\n",pKey,pState);fflush(stdout);
        return 1;
int main()
  EventWindow* win  = new EventWindow();
  return Fl::run();

Running the program as is You get a keyup for all keys.
Removing all comments and NOW (KP_arrows, arrows, 
generate a KEYUP BUT NOT a KEYDOWN(KEYBOARD). I don't understand ?

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