On 08/04/12 18:53, Greg Ercolano wrote:
>     When starting in fluid, choose New -> Code -> Function/Method,
>     and leave the "make_wnidow" default as the function name, and
>     attach your windows and widgets to that.
>     Then later, define a New -> Code -> Function/Method
>     and blank it out (to make a main() function), and then
>     in that function, call 'make_window()' etc. (New->Code->Code)

        Or, you should be able to follow this tutorial's technique
        if you want to attach widgets directly to main():

        It's an old video, and some things have changed
        (such as File->New, and probably the Makefile's contents)

        BTW, fltk.development is not the right place to ask how-to questions;
        it's for the development of the toolkit itself.

        For general 'how to use' questions, ask on fltk.general.
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