On 13.02.2012 07:21, goodwood wrote:

> please see the following code, it simply puts two input widgets into a 
> browser. But it's running, the caption of the input widget won't appear 
> unless setting its align as "INSIDE" (compare input1 and input2). And the 
> mouse cannot correctly position the text in the input windows.
> Helps are greatly appreciate. thanks in advance.

You've posted in the wrong group. This one is for OpenGL problems
only, and only few users are reading here. Please post your question
in fltk.general with a wider audience, and there you'd be on topic.

> //using fltk2

Seeing your question, I assume that you're maybe new to fltk (maybe
I'm wrong and you only wanted to show a specific issue). If I'm
right, please consider using FLTK 1.3 instead of 2.0, since FLTK 2
is only experimental, dormant, there is almost no support available,
and there (probably) won't be bug fixes any more.

Despite the numbering, FLTK 1.3 is the current development version,
stable, and supported. See:


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